ISSN: 2822-0838 Online
Natural and Life Sciences Communications

Natural and Life Sciences Communications (Nat. Life Sci. Commun.), Formerly known as Chiang Mai University Journal of Natural Sciences (CMUJ. Nat. Sci.), is the official peer-reviewed online journal of Chiang Mai University, Thailand. It established the first issue in the year 2023, with four issues per year. Since the year 2009, our journal was indexed in Scopus database.

Nat Life Sci. Commun. aims at facilitating the publication of a wide range of high-quality academic journals with an integration of various areas of natural and life sciences, including but not limited to agricultural and biological sciences, health professions, dentistry, environmental science, pharmacology, toxicology, pharmaceutics, and medicine.

Reviewed process: Double-blind peer review process
Language: English
Publication Frequency: Four issues per year as follows; 1st issue: January-March, 2nd issue: April-June, 3rd issue: July- September, and 4th issue: October-December
Publication fee: None
Two special issues (Optional)

Journal Issues

35% Carbamide Peroxide: A Threat to Male Fertility in Wistar Rats

Journal Issues : Online First

Olugbemi T. Olaniyan*, Olorunsola I. Adeyomoye, Gloria E. Okotie, Femi Adebayo, and Ibitoye O Babatunde

Nutritional Analysis in Relation to Dental Caries Among Children

Journal Issues : Online First

Yasir Basim* and Zainab A. A. Al-Dahan

Production and Characterization of Bio-Briquettes Derived from Torrefied Cocoa Pod Husk and Durian Peel


Journal Issues : Online First

Aldillah Herlambang, Imo Lolona Boangmanalu, Faiza Tursida, Arief Budiman, Hersandy Dayu Kusuma, and Andri Saputra*